3 Signs You Should FIRE Your Real Estate Agent

3 Signs You Should FIRE Your Real Estate Agent

Should You Fire Your Real Estate Agent?

(Yes, sometimes it is necessary!)

One of the best things about a professional agent is they make buying and selling process easier for you. An agent should listen to you, be reachable for any questions, and ultimately make you feel more confident in the home buying/selling process.

If your agent isn’t making the experience easier for you, or worse, is making it more stressful it is time to find another agent.

These are the Top 3 signs you should fire your real estate agent:


Did your agent make a lot of promises in the beginning, but now seem to have disappeared? After you and your agent set up a preferred form of communication they should be easily reachable to answer any questions. They should also be contacting YOU, with property suggestions, updates, and more. If your agent is going multiple days without getting back to you it’s very frustrating, and is unacceptable.

Did you discuss your budget and wish list, but your agent keeps showing you properties that are over budget and not what you told them you’re looking for? A lack of communication is the biggest sign your agent is not doing a good job or you. If your agent is not listening to you, it’s time to find an agent who will.


Not to be dramatic, but if your real estate agent doesn’t seem to know what they’re doing…run! When selling a property any good agent should prepare a marketing strategy, discuss comparables in your neighbourhood to set an ideal price, offer suggestions for how to best prepare your property, stage it, and so on. If your agent doesn’t offer market research and marketing strategies, or seem stumped when you ask basic questions, they are not well equipped to sell your property. 

How will they negotiate with buyers if they are not knowledgeable about your home type or area? Find an agent with experience and solid plans for selling your home. 


As a seller, your agent should be honest with you about your property and the market, so you list for the right price. They should also be honest with potential buyers. If a buyer finds out something major was not disclosed it can result in a deal falling through, ultimately wasting everyone’s time. That can be prevented by having an agent who is honest with you from the beginning about what your property is worth.

Then, there are worse breaches of trust. If you find out your agent lied about their experience to you or lied to buyers about your home (such as saying there are multiple offers when there are not) they are not someone you should trust with such a major financial transaction. 

Realtors have a code of ethics, and if your agent is acting in a shady manner, you deserve an agent who is honest with you. End of story. 

So, you’ve decided you want a different agent. But, how do you fire your real estate agent?

As a seller, you can simply tell them you want to cancel your listing. As a buyer, tell them you want to cancel your agreement.

You don’t have to give a reason if you don’t want to; people are entitled to change their minds! You can also make sure there is a cancellation clause in your contract before signing. 

To find a professional agent (who deserves to have you as a client!) Contact us to chat anytime, no obligation. Or, read our tips for How to Find a Real Estate Agent.

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