5 Ways to Live Green in Toronto Condos

5 Ways to Live Green in Toronto Condos

Is living an eco friendly lifestyle important to you? That’s great! Do you also live in a busy urban centre in a condominium apartment? If so, you might be wondering how you can make sure you’re doing the best you can to minimize your footprint in Toronto’s condo world.

One thing right off the bat that’s great about condos is that they build up instead of out, therefore reducing urban sprawl. Many buildings also incorporate green features into their design, especially in many new and pre-construction developments we are seeing lately. Toronto is a city full of people who love helping the planet, and there’s no reason you can’t do this in your condo.

Here are 5 Ways to Live Green in Your Toronto Condo:

1. Composting in Condos

Composting prevents organics from winding up in landfill, and therefore reduces greenhouse gas emissions (methane from organics).

Unlike with single-family houses, residents of condominium apartments can’t easily take a bin out to the curb on collection day. Therefore, less condo owners compost. So, how can you compost your organic waste? Check if your building has a composting program in place first. Other than that, here are some tips:

·   Buy a special compost bin that reduces odors. This one is top rated online, and customers say they can’t smell anything. So there should be no problem storing it under the sink! You can also place an air freshener in the space.

·   Talk to your condo board and neighbours about adding a communal composting bin if there isn’t one already. After all, it can take just one person to start a big change- and you’ll probably find many neighbours will want to live green too if given the chance.

·   Visit this Toronto.ca page for composting in “Apartments, Co-ops & Condos” to find out what goes in your green bin, and how and where to deposit it.

2. Mini Gardens

Adding some “green” to your life can be fun too. Growing your own garden, including herbs and vegetables is good for the environment and will be an enjoyable hobby for you. When you move to a condo you don’t have to give up gardening. No balcony or terrace? You can also grow indoors in sunlight.

·   Air purifying plants: Whether cleansing the air you breathe inside, or the air outside these plants are silent hard workers! Research how to best care for each type of plant.

·   Some plants that purify air include spider plants, ferns, aloe vera, bamboo, and palms. Green plants also look amazing in small spaces!

3. Lose the Car Keys

Like in any Toronto home, you have the option to walk, ride your bike, or take the TTC instead of driving. Cars are terrible for the environment, as you know. They may be convenient, but really ask yourself if you can live without one.

·   The great thing about Toronto condos is that a vast amount of them are located very close to public transit. See our picks of Condos Connected to the PATH system when deciding where to buy.

·   See if your building has a car sharing program for those times you might need a car.

·   Get a bike! Many condos have bike storage, and are located in downtown areas where traffic moves slow while bike lanes are increasingly being added. Plus, you will be living a more healthy lifestyle.

·   You’ll love the significant financial savings, and the fact you’re reducing your impact on the environment!

4. Remember The Basics

When you don’t have to deal with the hot water tank or furnace, it can be easy to forget about these things. However, keep in mind how much hot water (and water in general) you’re using in your condo. Also, consider how you can make the little things count. Use re-usable water bottles instead of plastic and shop with re-usable canvas bags. Also...

·   Water: Have shorter showers and don’t leave the water running while cooking or getting ready for bed. You can also add a low-flow shower head, toilet, and other low-flow fixtures.

·   Heat & AC: Also, most condos have individual heating and cooling controls, so make sure you don’t have the heat cranked up if you don’t need it to be.

·   Appliances: Finally, if your unit doesn’t have them already, when buying appliances make sure they are energy efficient.

5. Research Eco Friendly Buildings

If you’ve already bought a condo, remember the tips above. If you’re still looking however, there are many buildings in Toronto that are designed with the environment in mind from the beginning. Buildings that are LEED certified are ones that have incorporated eco friendly features throughout, reducing what goes to landfill, greenhouse gases, and more. Some of the features in these buildings include:

·   Green roofs that reduce the “heat island effect” by absorbing and reducing heat in the air. This is much better for the environment than flat concrete rooftops!

·   Energy efficient appliances and fixtures in every unit.

·   Double glazed windows to reduce heat.

·   Compost and recycling programs.

·   Electric car charging stations, bicycle storage, and car share programs.

·   Rainwater harvesting and irrigation systems.

There are many other innovative ideas developers are choosing to use in Toronto’s condominiums. Now that you have some ideas about green living in Toronto condos, check out these 5 Eco Friendly Toronto Condo Buildings.

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